Dear Parent/Guardian:
Thank you for your interest in sending your child to Camp Love's
Embrace, Inc. We promise to make this a memorable experience
for your child. Above are the links to all the necessary
paperwork containing all the information needed to enroll your child in
our weekend camp.
After you have completed and returned the entire packet, I will
personally contact you and confirm your child's enrollment at
camp. I will also give you an overview of the camp weekend
and answer any questions you may have. Our camp is filled on
a first-come, first-served basis, and we will be maintaining a waiting
list for our next camp session for those campers who registered after
the camp is full.
Parents/guardians are expected to provide their own transportation for
dropping off and picking their children up at camp. Camp
registration is from 8:30 a.m. until 9:00 a.m. on Saturday
morning. All parents/guardians enrolling their children are
expected to attend the closing memorial service on Sunday
afternoon. Parents/guardians will have the opportunity to
speak with the camp staff and volunteers immediately after the closing
memorial service and discuss how the weekend was for your child.
Camp is limited to approximately 20 campers per session, so please
return your completed application promptly. Mail the
application to:
Camp Love's Embrace
Whitney S. Adler
Maple Road
MN 56172
There is no charge for the camp thanks to grants and donations from the
We look forward to making this a rewarding, fun, and healing time for
your child! Please address any questions you may have
to: (605) 929-1841 or email:
Respectfully yours,
Whitney S. Adler